The Montgomery Bus Boycott's Role in Civil Rights Movement

The Montgomery Bus Boycott’s Role in Civil Rights Movement

On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a city bus, defying the segregation laws that were deeply ingrained in the South. This act of resistance led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a pivotal event in the Civil Rights Movement that highlighted the power of peaceful protest and collective action. This article explores the origins of the boycott, its challenges, and its lasting impact on the fight for civil rights in the United States.

The Catalyst for Change

No one knew, least of all Rosa Parks, that on the evening of December 1, 1955, an entire movement for civil rights would be kickstarted with the word “No.” And yet, Rosa Parks’s refusal to give up her seat to a white man set in motion a movement that refused to sit in the back of the bus and take its place at the forefront of political activism in postwar America.

On her way home from work as a seamstress, Parks boarded a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, tired from a hard and trying day. It was the start of the Christmas season, and orders for the holidays were already being filled.

It was a Thursday night, and the bus had quickly filled with passengers leaving home from work. The White section, which took up the first four rows of the bus, was already filled by the time a White male passenger boarded the vehicle.

As was often the custom in the Jim Crow South, whenever the seats in the White section of the bus were filled, then Black passengers sitting in the first few rows of the Black section had to relinquish their seats for any white passengers. So when the White passenger eyed the crowded bus, he went to the bus driver and told him there were no seats left. The driver went toward the back of the bus and told the Black passengers seated in the fifth row to give up their seats. Most of the Black passengers did as they were told, but not Parks, who stared out of the window, seemingly lost in her thoughts.

The bus driver confronted Parks and told her to give up her seat. Ms. Parks stared up at the driver and said, “NO!”

Though much of the lore surrounding Ms. Parks presupposes that she was simply too tired to give up her seat, the truth is much more exciting. Parks had long been involved in civil rights activism in Montgomery. A secretary for the local chapter of the NAACP, she had known that local activists were searching for the right opportunity to challenge the city’s segregation laws.

There had been previous women who were arrested for refusing to give up their bus seats to white passengers, but local NAACP activists felt they lacked the requisite qualities to make a challenge against segregation more palatable within the black community, something they knew they needed in terms of support, both legally and financially. Instead, they needed someone beyond reproach. E.D. Nixon, president of the Montgomery chapter of the N.A.A.C.P., saw in Parks the perfect candidate. She refused not only to vacate her seat for a white passenger but to appeal her conviction after she was arrested for breaking the law (December 5, Parks was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $10, including an additional $4 for court costs). Parks agreed to serve as a test case to challenge segregation.

In Montgomery, a boycott was planned for the city’s bus lines. Nixon organized the city’s local ministers for support. At a meeting held at Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s church, the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) was founded based on key members of the local clergy and various strategies for a boycott.

While everyone agreed that segregation laws needed to be challenged in some way, many local clergy were reluctant to lend their support. They had led comfortable lives, as most Black clergy, even in the South, were able to lead and didn’t see the need to rock the boat. Nixon accused the clergy of hiding behind the skirts of their congregation, especially their women, rather than taking a moral stand. King, put off by Nixon’s accusation, stood up and insisted he wasn’t afraid to lend his support to a boycott. The young minister had recently moved to Montgomery from his native Atlanta, Georgia, with his young family and had barely distinguished himself within the community as a preacher. But that one moment had earned him recognition among his fellow clergy. Friend Rev. Ralph Abernathy nominated King to head the MIA. Nixon nominated himself as treasurer.

Jo Ann Robinson from the Women’s Political Council stamped fliers that evening and sent them out into the community. The boycott was on. By Sunday, ministers implored their congregation not to take the buses to work.

No one knew in those early hours of Monday, December 5, whether or not the black community of Montgomery was going to honor the boycott. After all, Montgomery, like other southern cities, was knee-deep in Klan country, and any challenges to the virulently entrenched white supremacist attitudes were always meted out with violence.

Earlier that year, fourteen-year-old Emmitt Till was found brutally butchered in Mississippi—the price for whistling at a white woman—a chilling signal to any Black man who dared question his place in the South. Yet as the morning dawned in Montgomery and the local buses trundled down the quiet streets, those who were involved in planning the boycott were heartened: the buses were empty.

Everywhere in Montgomery, Black passengers who only a week before boarded those buses to and from work were now avoiding them, refusing to board vehicles in which they were denied their rights and dignity as Americans and human beings.

Overcoming Challenges in The Montgomery Bus Boycott

The Montgomery Bus Boycott lasted from December 5, 1955, to December 20, 1956. During that entire year, bus boycotters faced many hardships. Cab drivers who picked up Black passengers were issued fines if they paid fares less than .45¢, creating even more hardship for Black cab drivers.

The few boycotters who owned their own cars offered rides to other boycotters, but they were soon targeted by the local police when they were ticketed for supposedly speeding or driving too slowly. The fines soon became too exorbitant, and the MIA sought financial support abroad. Support came from all over the country as news of the boycotts hit the national headlines.

People sent money and extra shoes in case boycotters wore out their pairs from walking. Yet, as support for the boycott grew and the boycott showed no signs of lessening, the backlash increased.

Boycotters, including Rev. Martin Luther King, were arrested. King’s home was also firebombed by the local Klan while his wife Coretta and infant daughter Yolanda (Yoki) were inside. Coretta and Yolanda were both safe, but the firebombing rattled nerves and enraged the community, which had quickly taken in Dr. King as their local activist leader.

Martin Luther King Jr., who was at a church meeting at the time of the firebombing, raced home to his family and then calmed the crowd that had gathered outside his home. A proponent of Gandhi’s nonviolent tactics, King urged the crowd to love their enemies and not give in to hate and violence. His pleas for nonviolence, even in the face of the most virulent antipathy directed toward civil rights protesters, formed the core of his political and activist beliefs.

Though, at the beginning of the boycott, the MIA was willing to make concessions to the local government and business leaders for minor changes to the segregation laws that still respected local bus fare passengers, it became obvious to Dr. King, Nixon, and other leaders of the MIA that the local white city leaders were not acting in good faith and had no intentions of conceding to even the MIA’s more reasonable requests. As Parks’ appeal wound through the state courts, the MIA decided that the only way to beat segregation of Montgomery’s buses was to stamp it out with one single blow: the case was taken to the Supreme Court.

A Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Montgomery bus boycotters seemed like a gambit, but only a year earlier, the Supreme Court ruled against school segregation in the storied Brown v. Board of Education ruling in 1954. On November 13, 1956, the Supreme Court upheld the federal district court’s ruling on June 4, 1956, that Alabama’s segregation laws on buses were unconstitutional, thus striking down the state’s long-held practice of racial separation on public transportation. A city ordinance soon followed, allowing Black people in Montgomery the same rights and privileges as their white counterparts on public buses. On December 20, Dr. King delivered a rousing speech, at the end of which members of the boycott voted to suspend it.

A Legal Victory and Beyond

The turning point in the boycott came with the legal battle in Browder v. Gayle. Filed by Fred D. Gray, the case challenged the constitutionality of Alabama’s bus segregation laws. On June 5, 1956, the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, declaring bus segregation unconstitutional. This ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court on November 13, 1956, and on December 20, 1956, after 381 days of boycott, the buses in Montgomery were desegregated, marking a monumental victory for the Civil Rights Movement.

The success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott had far-reaching implications. It demonstrated the efficacy of nonviolent protest and mass mobilization, principles that would guide the Civil Rights Movement in the years to follow. The boycott also propelled Martin Luther King Jr. to national prominence, establishing him as a leading figure in the fight for civil rights.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott stands as a testament to the power of collective action and the potential for grassroots movements to effect change. It highlighted the critical role of African American women in the civil rights struggle, from Rosa Parks to Jo Ann Robinson, who organized the Women’s Political Council that helped initiate the boycott. The boycott not only challenged the legality of segregation but also confronted the moral and ethical justification for such laws, forcing America to reckon with the discrepancy between its democratic ideals and the reality of racial discrimination.

Today, the Montgomery Bus Boycott is celebrated as a defining moment in the struggle for civil rights, a reminder of what can be achieved when people come together to challenge injustice. It laid the foundation for future actions, from the sit-ins and freedom rides to the March on Washington, and inspired generations of activists to continue the fight for equality and justice.

The Montgomery Bus Boycott was the first of many victories in the Civil Rights movement and turned Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a reluctant leader, into one of the leading lights of that movement. After the boycott ended, everyone turned their eyes toward ending other segregation laws, including laws that prevented Black people the full expression of their civil rights: voting.

Nancy Vawter
Nancy Vawter

Nancy Vawter has been a reporter and writer since shortly after her graduation from the University of Arizona. She spent seven years with the New York Post, working as a national feature writer in New York. She later taught journalism as an assistant professor at American University in Washington.